Series 65 Optical Smoke Detector Proftech
Series 65 Optical Smoke Detector uses light sensing technology to detect a fire. The external detector moulding has an indicator LED which is white in quiescent state but produces a red light in alarm.
optical smoke detectors incorporates well-proven sensing technologies, including an Integrated Circuit based on that used in XP95 analogue addressable detectors.
optical smoke detectors range has a wide operating voltage of 9–33V and consists of ionisation, integrating ionisation and optical smoke detectors, four grades of heat detector and a range of bases.
Optical Smoke Detector Uses light-sensing technology to detect smoke particles entering the chamber.
Optical Smoke Detector Responds well to slow-burning, smoldering fires, making it suitable for bedrooms and escape routes.
Optical Smoke Detector Has a clear indicator LED in normal operation that turns red when the alarm is activated
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