IDS GSM module proftech
IDS GSM module offers powerful, versatile and highly configurable sms reporting and control capabilities, which will keep you informed and in control of your X-Series alarm system when away from your premises.
GSM module enables simple end-user control of X-Series panels from any SMS-enabled device. It is custom-designed by IDS for the X-Series panel range, so it has only the features you really need, enabling simple programming, installation, and use. Installation on the comms bus means less wiring, and more security.
designed for use with IDS X-Series alarm systems. It allows you to control and monitor your alarm system remotely via SMS messages
IDS GSM Features
Simple SMS commands with confirmation replies
• Three levels of user authority: (1) Master / (2) User / (3) Reporting
• Arm / Disarm control
• Query system status / partition status
• Bypass and un-bypass zones
• Trigger outputs (2 outputs on the SMS Duo)
• Customize labels (zone, site)
• Query airtime and manage SMS
• Multiple free web apps to download
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